Yoga FAQs
These are answers to some frequently asked questions about what to expect and how to prepare.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any other questions or queries
What to wear
Wear light, loose, comfortable clothing. It’s best to have layers so you can have a warmer and cooler layer. Yoga is best practised in bare feet, but ‘sticky yoga socks’ can be worn when feet are cold for most of the practice, but need to be removed if you cannot get sufficient grip.
What to have with you
You will need a yoga mat
Have cushions or a folded blanket nearby
In balance poses via Zoom, you may steady your balance with a hand to a chair back or wall
A belt or scarf works well, instead of a yoga strap, to assist you in some yoga poses
A yoga block and a couple of yoga bricks can be used to make yoga poses more comfortable
You may like to cover up with a blanket in relaxation
It’s good to have a water bottle to hand
What and when to eat
Ideally your last meal should be at least two hours before the class starts. However, if you need a snack closer to class then choose something light.
Technology for Zoom
It is best to use a laptop or other device with as large a screen as possible, and with either a built-in camera and microphone or with the means to connect these via Wifi or cable.
Setting up Zoom
Try to have enough room around your mat to stretch your arms out and behind you, when lying on the mat. If you haven’t got that much space, don’t let that put you off, as it is not essential. Position your device so that you can see the screen as easily as possible. Check the camera angle, so that you can be seen by the teacher. You may not be able to make this perfect but try to ensure you can see the screen without straining. You can move it during your class if you need to. Ensure your speakers are turned up. Selecting Speaker View shows the teaching full screen.
Arriving on Zoom
Arrive 5 minutes before the start time to give you time to check your camera and audio are working. Join muted but with video. You can unmute yourself once you have joined. If you arrive after the start time, Zoom places you in a Waiting Room and you'll be admitted as soon as possible. Please mute when the class starts to avoid the distraction of background noises.
Having a health condition or injury
The style of teaching will provide adjustments and modifications that anyone in the class may choose to use to help them. However, your needs may be quite specific and so I request that you tell me about them, so that I can better cater for you. Please contact me to discuss any concerns and we can talk about how you might make adjustments to your practice that would be helpful to you. There is also a health questionnaire that you can complete.